Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Just a quick post.

I am doing ok today and preparing myself mentally to go back to work tomorrow. I still have no idea what I am going to say to all the people at work who I know are going to ask how I am. They all mean well so I don't want to offend, but it will be very mentally challenging I think.

Lesley - we do have the glow in the dark doona cover with the fishies on it. You may or may not know that we are really into fish. In fact, that picture above is our fishroom in our garage. (That is my darling hubby too). That is what takes me about 30 minutes every night to feed!

Anyway, I just wanted to check in. I am off now to watch SuperSize Me, take down a pair of pants for hubbs and hopefully do some knitting.

Take care all.


At 5:21 pm, Blogger Mony said...

Way Cool bugs!
This little Piscean is very impressed with your fishy collection.
Hope work is OK tomorrow & that you're staying well.

At 11:39 pm, Blogger PJ said...

Work is going to be hard. I would take your boss up on his offer to work a few hours and go. It will be emotionally draining for you, like you're reliving it everytime you tell a new person. Make sure to wear minimal makeup and water-proof mascara if you wear makeup at all. Have plenty of tissues and take plenty of bathroom breaks to maintain composure. That's how I got through my miscarriage last year.

Your fish room is mighty impressive. How many fish do you have?

At 12:39 am, Blogger Roxanne said...

Oh my God! Those are A LOT of fish!!!!!

I am thinking good thoughts for you and hoping that things start being better really soon.

At 3:11 am, Blogger Tara said...

Goodness gracious, that's a whole lotta fish!

At 9:01 am, Blogger Mari said...

Bugs - I'm thinking of you today as I know what it will be like for you at work. If you find it hard today and need to cry, please know that it is OK for you to cry even at work. When I came back to work there were times where I actually told people the truth but other times where I just said "Hey I'm ok now thanks"...or "I just don't want to get into it right now"...or "Just don't ask".

Please don't feel like you are offending people if you don't want to answer their questions. You have every right not to answer.

If you need me, just email.



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