Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Bits and pieces

Hey guys. Hope you are all well.

I did a silly thing tonight. I went to the baby website I had previously posted in and read how the other girls due in February 2006 are going. I read how well they are doing, and how they are feeling. And I thought about Tukka. I saw how after I had posted my news, the girls had said how sorry they were for about a day and then it was old news and easily forgotten. I read underneath their written words how they were secretly thankful it had happened to me and not them and how they were thinking that statistically speaking me having a miscarriage actually reduces the risk of them having one. And I thought about Tukka.

A very dear friend sent me a present yesterday. A beautiful little lilac bear with a ribbon with hearts on it and a lovely card. I sat and cried and Hubbs did too when he saw it. It was such a lovely gesture. I will post a pic of it soon to show you. If you are reading this - Linda, David and Mel - I love you guys - thank you so much. We were so very touched and will never forget your loveliness. Teddy Tukka and I slept together last night, cuddled up close.

I am watching "Big Fish" tonight. There is a very good line in there that I can really understand at the moment. One of the main characters is crying and she says "I don't think I will ever dry out".

I don't think I will ever dry out either.

In other news, I showed someone at work the photos of my stash and she was astounded. She said I need to use it up before buying any more and then she looked at it again and asked me to go with her one day this week so she can buy some! LOL another convert (insert evil laugh here).

Must go and do some knitting. (gotta use up some of my stash!).

Thinking of you all.


At 11:06 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

The teddy was a lovely idea, and I'm sure that on some level it will help to have something tangible that is connected to Tukka. Something that you can look at and touch and, yes, even take to bed and cuddle that says, "Yes, he/she was here. For a short time, but here and loved."

At 12:34 pm, Blogger Anne said...

First of all, the Teddy is lovely. A wonderful gift!

Second of all, I know I haven't forgotten you. I wasn't part of your group, but I know we were due only a few weeks apart. I check here every time you update to see how you are doing.

I don't know why these things happen. And only to the people who least deserve it!

But you have not, and will not be forgotten. At least not by me. How could I forget all your support when we lost Sarah? How could I not want to give you back just a little bit of it?

Hugs, and prayers, from far away across the world...


At 2:14 pm, Blogger Bugsy said...

Thanks guys,

Anne - I didn't mean you at all - I hope you know that. I am not even really angry at the girls on the baby website really. I know it is pretty scary for them to think about too. I would never say that about you or any of my friends here - I know you guys would never forget.

I guess I was just a bit frustrated and angry at my own loss. You know how it goes.


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