Monday, August 15, 2005

It is going to be a long day.

I was going to write today of my love for my father and how today marks 14 years since he passed away. I miss him every single day. My sister even called me this morning in tears because she has been thinking about him. It is so hard. I wonder if it ever gets any easier. He was only 59. Far too young.

Instead of focusing on this though, I have something else that is upsetting me today.

It appeas that I am a bad bad girl.

I got an email today from a "friend". It was titled "forgot something" and the content was "so nice of you to remember your god-daughter's birthday". That was all.

Yep I forgot her birthday. She was 6 a week ago. How horrible am I. I just wanted to cry when I saw the email. The only correspondance I have had with this "friend" in like 3 months.

It is actually a very strange situation. You will have noticed that I put the word "friend" in little talkies. That is because for about 5 years now I have battled about whether to end this particular friendship or not. There is only so much I can take from this woman.

We met in High School in 1986. When she first got married they bought a house in the country - about an hour's drive away from me. I used to go up there about once a month for the day - it was a long day with 2 hours of driving involved. When her daughter was born I was one of the godparents (there were 4 of us). I visited as much as I could but I began to hate going up there. You see, when I visited, she would just complain about her daughter and say horrible things like "I wish I had never had her", "If she isn't lucky I may drown her in the bath the way she is going". I hated it. I was never allowed to hold her daughter or comfort her when she was crying, she would snap at me to leave her alone or growl at me if I went to pick up the crying babe, telling me that her daughter was just trying to manipulate me. When I met hubby, I took him with me to visit her and she hated him on sight. I am not sure whether she just hated him because she thought I wouldn't visit as much or whether she thought her daughter might not inherit from me if he was on the scene.

Then she had another daughter. I was in trouble right from the start. We made the huge trip to visit her in hospital and I was hoping for a cuddle and she never offered and I was too scared of her wrath to ask. She then told me off a week later for not "caring" enough to ask. When I got married I asked her to be one of my bridesmaids and she accepted but then made my life hell. Looking back I should have ended it there but I didn't. Her second daughter's christening was approaching and she invited us. I thought she must have picked different godparents. Imagine my horror when we got there and her daughter had three godparents - the other three who were also her first daughter's godparents. I was the only one left out. She told me that she didn't think I cared. I stayed until the celebrant said "how wonderful that you are godparents to both children - that is quite a unique bond" and then I quietly left, and cried all the way home. I clearly remember one time when we were out shopping together with her 4 month old daughter and she was trying on a dress. I was outside the dressing room, standing next to the pram. Her daughter started crying, loudly. I went to pick her up to comfort her and my "friend" yelled out "don't you dare pick her up - she is just being a little bitch". I felt so horrible. Everyone was staring at me and I was too scared to do anything.

About 8 months ago she called me and said "let's meet for a coffee or something". So we met at fountain gate, and she spent the whole time going in and out of shops, handling out "business cards" trying to drum up her Amway business. I may as well have not been there at all.

Now my life has changed. I work full time, and the weekends are my only chance to do housework, washing, ironing, gardening as well as everything else. I don't get the time to be visiting her much anymore. Everytime I call I get attacked or it is the wrong time of day to call - there is always something. So our contacts have dwindled down to almost nothing. When I do visit, I have to listen to her telling her children how much she regrets them, and telling them to run away from home so that her life improves. I hated it and I told her so. She always told me she was just joking, but I still hated hearing it.

She has no idea about my second miscarriage. Well not until today, when I reacted badly to her email and responded with "Thank you for your understanding. I so should have remembered her birthday, but what was I doing at the time? Oh yeah that's right - trying to cope after another miscarriage.

I haven't exactly been myself lately, and part of that includes shutting the rest of the world out while I try to repair myself. I hope she had a wonderful birthday and I am sorry I wasn't in the frame of mind to remember ".

What I should have also added was "I really appreciate you emailing me - especially today - the 14th anniversary of my father's death - not that you remembered."

Great timing huh. So now I am wondering - should I just follow my instincts and send her a follow up email saying "I can't do this anymore. You have been hurting me for years and I just can't take it anymore". When do you decide enough is enough and end a friendship?


At 5:03 pm, Blogger Cathy said...

You've had enough heartache lately without a supposed "friend" adding to it.

Now may be the time to make the big break.

Good luck whatever you decide.


At 6:31 pm, Blogger muser said...

That sounds likey a dreadful friendship to start with. I woulkd be ending it but not in a 2-foot high red letters kind of way just leave it at that last email you sent and never respond to her again. Perhaps just send a birthday/christmas card to the god-daughter each year.

At 6:35 pm, Blogger Mari said...

Bugs - I'm so sorry that you have had a shitty day, especially today.
I can't help feel though you are blamming yourself more than you should be for your "friends" behaviour. So you forgot your god daughters birthday, yes that is not a good thing, but you have had other things on your mind. You have lost a child. I'm glad that you emailed the bitch back the way you did.
I think that you have already kind of decided to end the friendship, you may just have to accept that this is the end.

At 10:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bugsy, I'm sorry this is such a hard day for you. It is emotional enough to be remembering your Dad today without the misery this cruel person brings up. I think it is time to end a negative "friendship". She sounds like a take, take, taker. Friends support one another and her behaviour sounds as though she doesn't know the meaning of friendship.

Thinking of you today. Big hug.

At 10:24 pm, Blogger PJ said...

I agree with what everyone else has said. No more of you giving and her taking. That was not the appropriate way to handle a child's missed birthday. Although, with the way you've described her, she doesn't seem to know appropriate at all.

Good luck to you. I'm sorry about your Dad.

At 10:59 pm, Blogger OvaGirl said...

She doesn't sound like the kind of friend you really want to have around. I would find all that treatment of her children really distressing let alone her treatment of you. And awful to have it happen on the anniversary of your dad's death.

At 11:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

De-lurking to say...
I say, leave her. You can always send a card to your God-daughter cards and presents if you choose. Just leave her..your "friend" out of it. Also I'm sorry to hear about your father, I'm sure though that he is very proud of you and watches over you all the time. I hope that you have a better day. Take care,


At 1:24 am, Blogger Mama Mouse said...

Bugsy ... My father died when I was 16 ... he was 59. He has been gone many, many years as I am 59 myself. I know what it is like and I'm sorry this had to happen to you right now.

Your 'friend' isn't a friend ... she is a user. She is a bad mother. And there is nothing you can do about it. You are getting nothing out of the relationship ... and you can give nothing in return. You can't help the daughter or other child. You are in pain from your own personal losses.

Like everyone else has said ... it is time to set yourself free. Take care of yourself ... she doesn't deserve you.


At 2:27 am, Blogger Lala said...

She is NO friend to you if she doesn't know what's going on in your life. Don't subject yourself to her crap anymore. Sorry, I sound a bit strong here, just your description made me want to reach through and hit her.

At 6:19 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Ditto to what Lala said. What a horrid horrid person.

This is definately not someone you need in your life, Bugs. If it were me, my therapist would advise me to send her and email or letter if I felt I needed to get things off my chest with her, otherwise just dont ever contact her or respond to her again.

It doesnt sound like she's the sort of person whose behaviour is likely to change, so kick her bitch ass to the kerb!

At 12:46 pm, Blogger Roxanne said...

That's just bitchy of her. Even when I don't have crazy stuff going on in my life, I sometimes forget dates. Some people are good at remembering those things and some people aren't. But to e-mail you just to remind YOU that you forgot...very petty and dumb. :( And on top of what you've been dealing with...doesn't sound like a very caring person.


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