Monday, August 07, 2006

back from the doctors

I am back from seeing the specialist. It was very productive actually. He said he has seen the dizziness many times - it is a side effect of the anaesthetic and he said it should start getting better soon. It is getting a little better every day, so at least i have an answer for it. He said the pain will subside as well - it is because everything has been disturbed - it just takes time for it all to go back into the spot it was before and this often is accompanied by some pain. I guess it is all natural. He wrote me a doctors certificate for this whole week off. I will see how I go but I think I will take the week. At least until the dizziness stops and perhaps also when I can look someone in the face without crying. At this rate I may never return to work LOL.

He actually gave me a little bit of hope today. Although he won't have the chromosome tests from the baby for another 3 weeks or so, he did say that there is a lot we can test for and a lot we can do if we ever get pregnant again (presuming we decide to try again - still not convinced).

He has ordered a barrage of tests for me. He said these are to test things that have been apparent with recurring miscarriages. If you can read this - let me know what it says - cause I have no freak'n idea. I think I can make out "lupus" in the bottom left hand corner, but the rest I am kinda guessing on. I think that might be "chromosomes" bottom right, and I see several "protein" somethings and a "gene " something.

He has also ordered a barrage of tests for Hubbs - but all his form says is "chromosome tests". Boring huh.

I go back to see him in roughly 3 weeks. He said by then hopefully we will have all the results - then we can look at what our options are and if there is anything we can do. The only thing that scared me is when he said ".....and if nothing shows up as being an issue, you can just try again and we can see how you go...." that scared me. I don't want to just "try again" and hope for the best. This miscarriage has gutted me. I am definately not the person I used to be. I cried as soon as he called me in and said "this is so disappointing, I am so sorry".

I walked aimlessly around the shops for an hour after the appointment. I just had no purpose. I came home, had a great cry and cleaned the microwave. Then I did a few more rows on Hubb's jumper.


At 6:20 pm, Blogger Betty said...

Oh hun. I hope that dizzy stuff leaves you alone soon. That's all you need. Thinking of you heaps.
I'm sorry I can't read the doctors writing. Is that writing? My god.

At 6:43 pm, Blogger muser said...

HI Bugsy.. I can explain Obstetric Lupus for you. I have a good friend who has it and miscarried 3 times before she was tested for it. It's a condition where the blood clots to fight the pregnancy. It's treated by taking a half (or whole, sorry - forget) an aspirin. My friend went on to have a perfectly healthy baby just 6 weeks or so ago. Good Luck.

At 11:59 pm, Blogger Dr. J said...

I can read some of the things on it:
TFT´s (thyroid function test I guess) Hb???(haemoglobin probably)
Factor V lys?? deficiency (to do with hypertension/thrombophilia/blood coagulation I think)
prothrombin gene mutation (ditto)
antithrombin 3 homocysteine (ditto)
protein C protein S (ditto)
lupus anticoagulam (ditto) chromosomes
antiphospholipid anti?? (ditto)

Because I´m a scientist the first place I check for info is Pubmed, but be aware that you can get too much information and sometimes it doesn´t help at all/can be extra worrying to partially understand something. Those were just quick guesses as to what the tests are about and I could be wrong.

I´m crossing my fingers for the specialists wisdom.

At 12:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr J is spot on I think. I've had recurrent losses and some of these look familiar.
TFT - def thyroid function test - hypothyroidism can cause subfertility and pg loss - can be treated with thyroxine.
Factor V Leiden - this is one of the things I have - a genetic condition which can rarely lead to DVT and clotting issues in or after pg - can be treated with baby aspirin and heparin during and for awhile after pg. The others are also clotting issues and can also be treated with aspirin and sometimes heparin too.

It's hard, because you kind of want there to be something wrong so you have an answer for what you've lost and so that they can treat it when you conceive again, but on the other hand, a clean bill of health is good too. My prayer was "let them find something simple and definitely fixable". Watch out for the Factor V one - although the other clotting ones have a very strong link with early loss, Factor V is more assoicated with 2nd & 3rd trimester losses (God forbid!) and there's even some evidence to suggest it improves the embryos sticking power in early pg. Although I have it, it's not what caused my very early losses. Also, you can be heterozygous (only one faulty gene from one parent) or homozygous (both FVL genes faulty - one from each parent). It's v common to be hetero and it's likely it'll do you and the pg no harm at all. Homozygous carries slightly more risk.

Mainly, I wish you didn't have to go through all this to get your dream - I wish none of us did!

At 7:39 am, Blogger Summer said...

Looks like Dr. J deciphered most of it. The last test seems to read antiphospholipid antibodies. Also, at the top left, it looks like something about a Clot… Profile?

I’m glad to hear the dizziness and pain are normal and that they’re going away.

At 2:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, just googled some of the terms here b/c of what I am going through and thought I would pass along this link - i like summary information and then if I want more I can dig based on that.

what it looks like is a bunch of hematology (sp) tests - I have had them all to test for losses, blood clotting disorders, antibodies in the blood, etc.

At 2:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, just googled some of the terms here b/c of what I am going through and thought I would pass along this link - i like summary information and then if I want more I can dig based on that.

what it looks like is a bunch of hematology (sp) tests - I have had them all to test for losses, blood clotting disorders, antibodies in the blood, etc.


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