Wednesday, May 02, 2007

It's here! finally!

After many months of paperwork, banks, more paperwork, more bank crap, and yet more paperwork, it is finally here.

After 12 years in his stable job, Hubbs is following his dream . This morning he became owner of a small retail aquarium and pet supply shop!

Here is a picture of the previous owner handing him the keys: (Hubbs is on the left)

It is scary - very scary. He left his stable job - we refinanced to be able to afford to do this, and now we have wriggles on the way, which means I will be on maternity leave soon and we will have to rely on income from the shop to get us by and pay all our bills.

But - it is something he has always wanted to do, and the shift work he was doing was killing him. I knew he had to get out of that and into something else. So it was time! He has been breeding fish successfully at home for about 6 years now and we know a fair bit about fish now.

I think the shop is great. It is the perfect size for us, and very well fitted out. There are 90 tanks ranging from 2ft to 4 ft and although not many currently have fish in them, we will slowly stock them up. It also has a good size area to buy tanks, aquarium stuff and lots of other pet products - dog and cat items, etc. It may look small from the front but it is very long. The website pictures show it a little better. (I will try to take more pictures of the inside to show you how big it really is). It is probably about double the size of most normal little corner shops (if that helps put it in perspective.)

It is in a good location and has a good reputation. The Shop is called "Fish R Us" not very original I know but we will keep the name going. The website is really cool - very happy with that - - take a look and see what you think.

So - if you guys ever need anything - come check us out (either online or in person) and we can always get things in for you - just ask.

The shop is open 7 days a week, which means I won't see hubbs much unless I go down the shop to him, and once wriggles is born I am going to have to do without hubbs at home helping me which I am a bit scared about. But we will manage.

I want him to be happy and this makes him happy.

I just pray we can make a go of it.

So there - the news is out. May the stress and fun begin.

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At 9:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again Bugsy! What great news!! I will have to come visit your shop someday and buy something for my cat! (but not a fish!LOL) We are in Camberwell- so along the same train line as Vermont! Cool! I hope everything goes well.

At 9:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry! The above post is from 'Rachel'=)

At 9:48 pm, Blogger Clare said...

what wondeful news Bugsy. I am so excited for you both. and I think I might come by the shop in July and buy DD some goldfish for her 4th birthday. We haven't got any fish keeping experience so you'll have to give us lots of advice but DD has been asking for goldfish for nearly a year. I would have got her some for xmas but I didn't get my act together in time. Goodluck with the business ~I wish only good things for you guys.

At 10:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bugsy, congratulations on the change, hope it is a huge sucsess for you and hubbs....maybe when wriggles comes along you could set up a area for him/her so that you arent alone so much and then you and hubbs can still spend time with wriggles. congratulations once again.
Kim, Warragul, Vic

At 10:00 pm, Blogger VHMPrincess said...

WOW - what great news! Congratulations!

At 11:11 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Bugs how excitting for your hubby, my hubby has a similar dream and I know how much of a huge deal it is for you both. best wishes for you ALL

At 11:34 pm, Blogger twirl said...

So cool. Congratulations!

At 2:01 am, Blogger Mother Hoodwink said...

Congrats! How fun!

At 5:31 am, Blogger Summer said...

How exciting! My dad was really into fish, so I've spent my share of time in aquarium stores. Good luck to you and your hubs!

At 7:17 am, Blogger Anita said...

Yay to you and your DH. Wonderful news and I know that you will do great with your little one.


At 8:09 am, Blogger Shellandjosh said...

OMG BUgsy thats is so huge and such a huge thing to do,.. well done, Hope your buisness will rocket up and go with all great guns.

WOW I wasnt expecting that YAY On both of you how very exciting.

PS Did you have your scan done again?

At 9:11 am, Blogger The Momma / MrsHUGS said...

Hi Bugsy...
I am so happy for you both, I know Hubby will be in his element and you will be fantastic looking after Wriggles...
Wishing the business every success...

At 9:43 am, Blogger muser said...

That *is* big news. Congratulations to you both! What a big adventure you're embarking on together.

At 10:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, how exciting! Congratulations and good luck to your Hubbs! My husband owns his own business and loves it - I hope yours does, too.

At 12:58 pm, Blogger ColourYourWorld said...

That is exciting !
Congratulations, I wish you all the best.

At 3:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, for Bugsy and Hubby!
Great news. Well done.

At 10:21 pm, Blogger Gil said...

YAY! Oh this sounds like it would be SO much fun to indulge in. Congrats to you and your hubby!

At 11:46 am, Blogger Mony said...

I LOVE aquariums.
How lovely!

At 2:03 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

That is sooo exciting... I hope all goes well

At 2:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

best of luck in his new endeavour :)

At 4:11 pm, Blogger Steff said...

Oh my god - I am a regular reader but not often noter - but I went up to that shop just the other week and was disapointed they were closed :) what a small world lol

At 9:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go bugsy's Hubbie!!
It's your Shoppie!!
Go Bugsy's Hubbie!!
It's your Shoppie!!!

And YAY 23 weeks!!!!! WoooHoooooo!!!

Luv Ya!


At 2:11 am, Blogger Ruby said...



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