Sunday, April 10, 2005

How are you spending your Sunday?

We both worked pretty hard yesterday at our rental property, mowing lawns and doing repairs and measuring up for a garage, so we are both very sore and tired today. Today has been a very lazy day.

So how am I spending my Sunday? I am washing baby clothes that I bought off ebay, and from Op shops. Why am I doing this? Because washing baby clothes, handling them, folding them neatly, makes me very very happy. I am also going through some of my knitting books and searching for patterns online, whilst my beautiful dog Maddison is laying faithfully at my feet.

Hubby said he cannot understand how I can be so damn happy and content washing baby clothes. I know, I know - wait until I have had like 3 kids and ask me if I am still excited to be washing baby clothes.

So how are you spending Your Sunday?


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