That's what the OB said today.
He took our history, all the test results and then had a look. He had a really long look with that instrument we all love (nicknamed the dildo-cam), and there doesn't seem to be anything in my tubes or anything. There also doesn't seem to be anything in my uterus, but my cervix is still closed.
He basically said that I should do another blood test tomorrow and see if it is still increasing. If it is decreasing then we do have a problem.
If what I have to lose is minimal, then my cervix may not need to open much, so the fact my cervix is closed is not significant.
He isn't worried about the bad blood tests - said that they could be higher but as long as the HCG is increasing we still have hope.
There... I said the bad word - Hope.
He said if we had implanted late then that might be why we are not seeing a gestational sac anywhere yet. And he said that studies have shown that people who Ovulate later do tend to implant even later than others, so that is a possibility.
He said that as there is a history of twins in the family that it is also possible that we are losing one of a set of twins.
Unfortunately only time and more blood tests will tell.
He said he cannot see any evidence of ectopic pregnancy which is a big relief.
Bleeding in early pregnancy is common and sometimes that is combined with cramping, especially around implantation.
As the pain is not really bad. and the bleeding is minimal (and he said it was quite diluted bleeding as well which is good), that all we can do is WAIT.
Yeah like I am good at waiting.
I can't say my level of hope has increased any. I still think this is all doomed, but I will be a good girl and try to remain positive, and do my test tomorrow and see him Tuesday and leave my skeptical nature under wraps until then.
It is going to be a very long weekend!
A very long weekend.
I will be hoping for you as well. Take and your lovely husband. It's not over yet, right? Very very sorry you are having to go through this.
I cannot believe I am reading this. I am catching up on all my blogs since being away & you were one of the 1st I wanted to visit. You darling girl, I am so shocked & upset that you are now dealing with such worry. My heart is with you & hang onto every hope. We all are for you.
Bugs - I don't know what to say...nothing is coming to mind. I just wish that this whole thing is over and done with. I suppose that it is small steps and probably best if you concentrate on each one rather than the end.
If you need me I'm here.
Oh Bugsy,
I hope that somehow this works out and Tukka is still there. I am hoping hoping hoping for you.
I'm sending some extra positive thoughts your way - hoping and hoping here in Virginia.
Fingers crossed, everything crossed. Praying lots . .
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