Saturday, September 03, 2005

Your opinion required (please pretty please)

I am part of a birthday exchange site thingy. When it is your birthday everyone else in the group sends you a birthday present (somewhere between $5 - $10 worth). You are allowed to say what sort of things you are into, what colors you like etc.

The next birthday is this month, and the birthday girl has asked that she receives something hand made from each person to show our creativity. Now I am not the fastest craft person there is, and I have a lot of projects with deadlines on at the moment (babies everywhere). So I did some searching and I found a pattern (very quick and simple) for napkin rings.

I have made one and want your opinion on them. I used a kitchen yarn, called Sunline - which can be seen here (choose sunline k/yarn S/S Lap 4) , which is a little stiffer than cotton or normal yarn and keeps it's shape well. Please be honest and tell me what you think.

My questions are:
1. Are these good enough to give away as a present?
2. Should I embelish them, say with a pretty button or something?
3. If I do embelish them, what do you think I should do? (I saw somewhere a pattern for small knitted flowers? If someone has a pattern like that, please let me know.)
4. How many should I make? I am thinking 4, 6 or 8 ?

I will await your opinions. Thanks guys.

p.s. On the fertility side of my life - I am cd11 today and yesterday and today I have had the best egg-white cervical mucas (which I normally get about 4-6 days before I Ovulate - whoo hoo). Bring on the babydancing and ovulation. I am chasing you little eggie, and I don't plan for you to get away from us this time!


At 6:16 pm, Blogger Betty said...

What a clever knitter you are. They are a very nifty present for the birthday girl!

At 7:38 pm, Blogger Mama Mouse said...

I think a set of those would be quite nice! You are supposed to show your creativity and these do that wonderfully! I think a lovely button would make them even more creative. Maybe something other than the normal round button though. Perhaps a flower or fruit shaped button would be nice. Possibly all the same or a different one for each ring.

Or maybe you could find some metallic embroidery thread and you could embroider initials on each one.

I definitely think these would be good for a gift. VERY nice!

At 7:49 pm, Blogger Mrs Pants said...

I think they're a great gift! I would suggest some sort of I embelishment - the knitted flowers sound great.

Good luck on the fertility front.

At 2:10 am, Blogger PJ said...

Good luck with the egg hunt this month.

Those are beautiful. I love the embelishment idea and I think 8 is the way to go. You're so creative, I would love to receive these as a gift.

At 9:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bugsy...
I love your birthday present idea, I think 8 would be good because I know that sometimes I want to use napkin rings but only have a set of 4 or 6 and I have mixed and matched them but they dont really go together... As to what to put on them, I love the button idea maybe see what else she likes and then go see what sort of fancy buttons you can find, I have seen some lovely gold coloured fruit and musical notes and nik naks while I have been looking for different buttons... Good luck and I am sure this lady will love them...

I have looked at your chart but it isnt up to date... hehehe... But you should know that all up here are wishing you and Hubby all the very best... Listen here eggie, you behave and dont frighten those spermies away...

Love to you both...



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