Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My sweet Maddison

Dear Maddison,

Today marks 6 weeks since you had your heartworm treatment. 6 weeks is the magical number where the Vet says that you are past the dangerous time following your treatment.

When I look at your smiling face now, I cry. I can't believe the relief I feel that you have made it this far. So many Vets have told me that the treatment basically consists of poisoning you and the amount of drug that you need is very hard to work out. Too much and we lose you, too little and we don't kill those worms that are growing inside you. I pray that we have the levels just right for you. You and I have had lots of cuddles today. I am so happy that you fought as hard as you did, and stuck with us. We love you very much.

Now you start your rehabilitation. I know how excited you are about this. We have started going for small walks - 5 mins max and we are slowly building it up every day until you are back to your normal crazy pace. Only then will we give you back the tennis ball that you crave so much. I know how hard it has been for you to be without it.

I think the time we have spent together has been pretty special huh. I know I will treasure it forever.

Take care Maddy - Mummy and Daddy love you very much. Thank you for sticking with us.

Lots of Love,

Mum and Dad.


At 6:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a sweet face.

At 1:59 pm, Blogger Portlairge said...

She is soooooooooo darling.I'm so glad she is getting better.


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