Wednesday, August 09, 2006

gotta love those blood tests

I went and had my barrage of blood tests yesterday - results should be back when we see him again first week in September. It was a bit tricky and after sapping some blood out of my left arm, the well dried up and she had to have another go in my right arm. - ouch.

7 vials! 7! Considering I had to fast for them and then it was midday before we got there, after 7 vials of blood was taken out of me, I was feeling very lightheaded. So Hubbs took me to a cafe across the road, and got some food into me. We sat there for quite a while before doing a spot of shopping and eventually heading home.

Then this morning I got a phone call from the nurse. Unfortunately she didn't take enough blood yesterday and I had to go back in today and "donate" another 2 vials of blood. My poor arms.

Then hubbs took me on a spending spree - back with more of that later on!


At 5:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a 3 hour glucose tolerance test yesterday so I know what you mean. Because I'd fasted they couldn't find any veins and nearly had to take it out of my wrist. Thank god they managed to get it out of my arm in the end, but had to go in the same hole 3 times.

I hope you get the results you need. Take care.


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