Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Demons 0 Bugsy 1

Thanks guys,

And Katt - you are not a loser - none of my darling friends here are.

I went to the bbq. It was boring. All of my sister in law's snobby family sat inside, and all of my family sat outside. We got dumped with the littlest kids to look after (from my sister in laws side). 18 month old Caleb was so cute I could have stolen him then and there - we taught him how to kick the ball and he almost mastered catching it too (but not quite, the coordination just isn't there yet). Listening to him say "bibi" as he was gestering to us to remove his bib so he could go play was so precious.

Caleb is my sister in law's Niece's accidental child - she isn't even sure who the father is.

Then there is my oldest nephew's girlfriend and her two - Eddy and Kayla - cute as buttons - 4 and 2 respectively. My brother makes the best daffy duck sound and we had them both convinced he had daffy duck in his pocket. It was hilarious.

My family mostly ignored me. They said hello and made the odd idle comment but nobody mentioned Jayden, and they certainly never asked how we were or what we were doing now. I don't blame them - it was a busy day and perhaps the moment never arose.

We only stayed two hours, and as soon as we could, we made excuses and left - coming safely home.

(Then lucky me spent the next four hours at my sister's place setting up her new computer - grrrr so much for some time for me.)

In other news I have finished one sleeve of Hubbs jumper and now haven't knitted a thing for over 2 days because my shoulders ache so much! hehe One sleeve and the neck to do and then it is just sew up and model.

Should I block the pieces before sewing it up?


At 9:53 am, Blogger Cathy said...

I'm glad you went to the bbq even if it was only for a short time.

I NEVER block before sewing up but I know a lot of people do.

You're doing well on Hubbs jumper. Keep up the good work but look after your shoulders.

A good massage always helps.



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