Sunday, February 06, 2005

Limbo land: population: 1 (that I know of)


I just don't know where I am at the moment.

FertilityFriend says I am now 16dpo, cd39. What the?

The HCG blood test on Thursday at supposedly 13dpo, was < 2
I normally have roughly a 32 day cycle and between a 9 and 12 day luteal phase.

So where is AF? Could I still be pregnant? Is FF wrong?

I am quite down at the moment, just constantly questioning where I am and what I should do. Should I just accept that I am not pregnant, go drink and eat what I want, and wait for AF to arrive? Should I wait a few days and test myself or go get another HCG blood test?

Here is my chart if you are game enough to take a peek and give me your opinion --->

Good luck and may the force be with you.


At 5:01 pm, Blogger Sara said...

Hi Bugsy :-)

First off, I had a NEGATIVE blood test 10 days after conception the last time I was pregnant. (and I happen to know my Hcg from that pregnancy was not the problem) My doc said it is a misconception that the BPT is better than a urine HPT. So, that could be reassuring.

Second, how long are your cycles usually? I should have looked just now if you had other charts showing, but I didn't. It looks like you had a day of spotting, which could be good for implantation spotting.

Take another test in a few more days. My BFP did not come until about 18 days after ovulation. :-) I am still hopeful!

At 10:58 am, Blogger DeadBug said...

Bugsy, I think the few missing/abnormal (open circle) temps could have really played with this chart. It's certainly possible that you are not yet as many DPO as the coverline would suggest.

From everything I've read, implantation occurs fairly predictably around Day 7, with HCG taking at least a couple of days to build up enough for a BPT or HPT to detect it. While it may be unlikely, it certainly isn't impossible that you still have a chance, and I'll be rooting for you.

In the meanwhile, a glass or two of nice Australian wine probably wouldn't do any harm!




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