Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Who ya gonna call?

Who do you call?

I have been thinking about the budget cuts to IVF all day. I want to do more than just think about it. I want to act!

I emailed Department of Human Services and asked them who I could contact, but beyond that, who do I speak to? (mind you , I haven't heard back from them yet)

If you know, please let me know.

There are so many issues with this proposal. One thing that I think this will ultimately do is force patients to coerce doctors into transferring more than one embryo at a time - Since the "shots" at it are limited, the urgency factor will step in. The reason the doctors are reluctant to do that is the increased risk of multiple births. Multiple births are usually a higher strain on the healthcare system, not to mention the increased risk to the mother and the babies.

How can that be beneficial to anyone?

I can't believe that the government is acting like people are choosing IVF as a first choice. Do they honestly think that we do IVF as a first or even second choice? Surely there is some understanding that people who do IVF are doing this as a Last resort. They have tried absolutely everything else. Do they think we sit back and say "Hey hun, I don't feel like having sex with you, so how about we just do IVF - that will be so much easier!" - cause it is you know - much easier (said sarcastically just in case you didn't get it).

Now I may have my facts incorrect - apologies if I do. These are just my thoughts. Feel free to add your own or set me straight.


At 11:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you make some very valid points!!

I can't believe your govt. pays for IVF though at all!! Is this available for everyone? I know here, it is crazy expensive, and even though I have government healthcare, they won't pay for IVF at all.

I hope you can make a difference!! Don't give up!


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